Diamond Dogs
Memorial Day Weekend
May 22-24, 2009
Camp Blanding MOUT Site
Starke, FL
$85 Advance Registration prior to May 11th
$100 after May 11th and for Walk-On Registrations
Player's Pack now available for download at http://mindgame-productions.
Sign up now at http://mindgame-productions.
TO: CDR, US Peacekeeping Forces, Sierra Leone
FROM: US AFRICOM, Kelly Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany
1) Attached find two photographs of General Siaka Roosevelt Jackson. The first is a photograph from January of 2007 of Jackson leading a party of raiders into a Liberian village during his first challenge to the former Liberian government. The second photograph is from a UN photographer captured by the General during his push early this month into Sierra Leone.
2) Signals assets confirm Jackson and his army of European, American and South African mercenary forces are settling in near the town of Lago in Sierra Leone. Deep Core Mining Corporation has a small diamond mining facility on the outskirts of Lago. Although the facility is considerably smaller than Moyamba Mines, Deep Core Mining is pressuring the United Nations to permit a deployment of military contractors from Strategic Resource Consultants to reinforce the small security detail currently on site. National Command Authority is concerned about the build-up of military contractors in the region under the employment of several large corporations with interests in the country. Analysts feel that a "corporate" army is being quietly assembled to take the offensive to General Jackson, in spite of the current cease-fire in effect. At this time requests for additional contractors moving past UN/US controlled checkpoints are denied.
3) 1st Battalion of the 2eme REP of the French Foreign Legion is being pulled out of operations in Chad and will reinforce US AFRICOM Peacekeeping forces in Sierra Leone. Coordination instructions will be sent from AFRICOM and a liaison team organized when the Legion arrives.
4) HUMINT assets report that George Tshombe, General Jackson's arms supplier, has acquired an unknown number of XM29 "Kestrel" missiles, currently under development by Stark Industries, through the black market. The XM29 is a surface to surface, precision guided munition using internal avionics and an observer with a laser designator to reach its target. Stark Industries reported the loss of fifteen XM29 missiles in an explosion during a suspected terrorist attack at their testing facility in Namibia. Analysts now believe the explosion was to cover up the theft of an unknown number of the lost weapons. Sources indicate the weapons crossed into Liberia this weekend and are enroute to Jackson's advance forces in Sierra Leone. The exact number and location of these weapons is unknown but is now a priority intelligence requirement of AFRICOM.
Player's Pack now available for download at http://mindgame-productions.
Sign up now at http://mindgame-productions.
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